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4 months ago
// ConsentManager.swift
// surveys-example
// Created by Juan David López Regalado on 12/06/24.
import Foundation
import UIKit
import ResearchKit
class ConsentManager{
static let shared = ConsentManager()
func createConsentTask() -> ORKTask{
// Pagina de Welcome
let welcomeStep = ORKInstructionStep(identifier: "consentWelcomeInstructionStep")
welcomeStep.title = "Welcome!"
welcomeStep.iconImage = UIImage(systemName: "hand.wave")
welcomeStep.detailText = "Thank you for being part of the biomarker project aimed at determining the level of sedentary lifestyle. However, before accepting, please read the next part." // explain the consent
let sign = ORKInstructionStep(identifier: "signAccept")
sign.title = "Please Sign if you Accept"
// Pagina del before you join
let beforeYouJoin = ORKInstructionStep(identifier: "informedConsentInstructionStep")
beforeYouJoin.iconImage = UIImage(systemName: "doc.text.magnifyinglass")
beforeYouJoin.title = "Before You Join"
let sharingHealthDataBodyItem = ORKBodyItem(text: "The study will ask you to share some of your Health data.",
detailText: nil,
image: UIImage(systemName: "heart.fill"),
learnMoreItem: nil,
bodyItemStyle: .image)
let completingTasksBodyItem = ORKBodyItem(text: "You will be asked to complete various tasks over the duration of the study.",
detailText: nil,
image: UIImage(systemName: ""),
learnMoreItem: nil,
bodyItemStyle: .image)
let signatureBodyItem = ORKBodyItem(text: "Before joining, we will ask you to sign an informed consent document.",
detailText: nil,
image: UIImage(systemName: "signature"),
learnMoreItem: nil,
bodyItemStyle: .image)
let secureDataBodyItem = ORKBodyItem(text: "Your data is kept private and secure.",
detailText: nil,
image: UIImage(systemName: "lock.fill"),
learnMoreItem: nil,
bodyItemStyle: .image)
beforeYouJoin.bodyItems = [
let instructionSteps = [sign]
let webViewStep = ORKWebViewStep(identifier: "WebViewStepIdentifier", instructionSteps:instructionSteps)
webViewStep.showSignatureAfterContent = true
let task = ORKOrderedTask(identifier: "ConsentTask", steps: [welcomeStep, beforeYouJoin, webViewStep, /*other steps*/])
4 months ago
return task