# Data Gattering ```python import time import numpy as np import tclab ``` ```python ``` ```python n = 300 t = np.linspace(0,n-1,n) T1 = np.empty_like(t) with tclab.TCLab() as lab: lab.Q1(40) for i in range(n): T1[i] = lab.T1 print(T1[i]) time.sleep(1) ``` TCLab version 1.0.0 Arduino Leonardo connected on port /dev/cu.usbmodem1301 at 115200 baud. TCLab Firmware 2.0.1 Arduino Leonardo/Micro. 24.218 23.154 24.347 24.411 24.411 24.347 24.314 24.347 24.347 23.896 24.476 24.637 24.669 24.669 25.056 25.088 24.991 25.088 25.217 25.281 25.313 25.668 25.668 25.636 26.022 25.926 19.126 26.248 26.248 26.055 25.152 26.699 26.989 26.957 27.021 27.118 27.247 27.344 27.666 27.183 27.795 27.892 28.021 28.311 28.214 28.504 28.536 28.762 28.826 28.858 29.245 29.181 29.374 29.6 29.567 29.793 29.761 29.89 30.147 30.147 30.438 30.599 30.728 30.856 30.76 31.018 31.114 31.34 31.533 31.501 31.727 31.469 32.017 32.081 32.113 32.5 32.403 32.403 32.693 32.726 32.887 33.016 33.048 33.08 33.37 33.37 33.499 33.725 33.789 33.821 34.047 34.079 34.144 34.305 34.434 34.434 34.659 34.756 34.659 34.691 34.917 34.981 34.981 35.271 35.4 35.336 35.239 35.594 35.626 35.819 26.796 35.948 27.408 36.174 35.304 36.271 36.528 36.561 36.689 36.657 36.979 36.979 37.044 37.205 37.173 37.237 37.205 37.302 37.656 37.56 37.592 37.882 37.882 37.817 38.043 37.173 38.269 38.365 38.397 38.591 33.016 26.022 38.913 38.945 38.913 38.945 38.945 39.235 39.203 39.268 39.3 39.493 39.042 39.59 39.622 39.654 39.815 39.88 39.912 39.912 40.009 40.009 40.234 40.234 40.234 40.363 40.524 40.524 40.557 40.557 40.653 40.814 40.557 40.911 40.879 41.072 41.169 41.104 41.072 41.104 41.137 41.523 41.33 41.523 41.523 41.62 41.813 41.781 41.846 41.813 41.942 42.136 42.136 42.136 42.136 42.104 42.168 42.361 42.458 42.232 42.49 42.361 42.394 42.426 42.394 42.716 42.748 42.813 42.651 42.813 42.748 42.941 43.103 43.135 43.103 43.038 43.135 43.264 43.425 43.328 43.328 43.457 43.457 43.521 43.683 43.779 43.683 43.683 43.715 43.973 43.94 44.102 44.005 44.005 44.005 44.23 44.359 44.424 44.392 44.327 44.327 44.424 44.521 43.779 44.682 44.714 44.649 44.649 44.746 44.778 44.907 44.972 42.2 44.939 45.036 44.907 44.327 43.876 45.004 45.197 45.294 45.358 45.326 45.229 45.358 45.101 45.423 45.391 45.713 45.681 45.616 45.713 45.616 45.713 45.713 45.713 45.745 45.648 45.971 45.938 45.938 45.938 46.067 45.971 46.035 46.132 46.196 45.938 46.164 46.261 46.261 46.229 46.261 46.229 46.229 46.357 46.551 46.519 46.551 46.583 TCLab disconnected successfully. ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(T1, '.r') plt.show() ``` ![png](data-gattering_files/data-gattering_3_0.png) ```python import pandas as pd DF = pd.DataFrame(T1) DF.to_csv("data.csv", index=False) ``` # Linear regression The linear regression is a training procedure based on a linear model. The model makes a prediction by simply computing a weighted sum of the input features, plus a constant term called the bias term (also called the intercept term): $$ \hat{y}=\theta_0 x_0 + \theta_1 x_1 + \theta_2 x_2 + \cdots + \theta_n x_n$$ This can be writen more easy by using vector notation form for $m$ values. Therefore, the model will become: $$ \begin{bmatrix} \hat{y}^0 \\ \hat{y}^1\\ \hat{y}^2\\ \vdots \\ \hat{y}^m \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & x_0^0 & x_1^0 & \cdots x_n^0\\ 1 & x_0^1 & x_1^1 & \cdots x_n^1\\ \vdots & \vdots \\ 1 & x_0^m & x_1^m & \cdots x_n^m \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \theta_0 \\ \theta_1 \\ \theta_2 \\ \vdots \\ \theta_n \end{bmatrix} $$ Resulting: $$\hat{y}= h_\theta(x) = x \theta $$ **Now that we have our mode, how do we train it?** Please, consider that training the model means adjusting the parameters to reduce the error or minimizing the cost function. The most common performance measure of a regression model is the Mean Square Error (MSE). Therefore, to train a Linear Regression model, you need to find the value of θ that minimizes the MSE: $$ MSE(X,h_\theta) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} \left(\hat{y}^{(i)}-y^{(i)} \right)^2$$ $$ MSE(X,h_\theta) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} \left( x^{(i)}\theta-y^{(i)} \right)^2$$ $$ MSE(X,h_\theta) = \frac{1}{m} \left( x\theta-y \right)^T \left( x\theta-y \right)$$ # The normal equation To find the value of $\theta$ that minimizes the cost function, there is a closed-form solution that gives the result directly. This is called the **Normal Equation**; and can be find it by derivating the *MSE* equation as a function of $\theta$ and making it equals to zero: $$\hat{\theta} = (X^T X)^{-1} X^{T} y $$ $$ Temp = \theta_0 + \theta_1 * t $$ ```python import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('data.csv') df ```
0 24.218
1 23.154
2 24.347
3 24.411
4 24.411
... ...
295 46.357
296 46.551
297 46.519
298 46.551
299 46.583

300 rows × 1 columns

```python import numpy as np y = df['0'] n = 300 t = np.linspace(0,n-1,n) X = np.c_[np.ones(len(t)), t] X ``` array([[ 1., 0.], [ 1., 1.], [ 1., 2.], [ 1., 3.], [ 1., 4.], [ 1., 5.], [ 1., 6.], [ 1., 7.], [ 1., 8.], [ 1., 9.], [ 1., 10.], [ 1., 11.], [ 1., 12.], [ 1., 13.], [ 1., 14.], [ 1., 15.], [ 1., 16.], [ 1., 17.], [ 1., 18.], [ 1., 19.], [ 1., 20.], [ 1., 21.], [ 1., 22.], [ 1., 23.], [ 1., 24.], [ 1., 25.], [ 1., 26.], [ 1., 27.], [ 1., 28.], [ 1., 29.], [ 1., 30.], [ 1., 31.], [ 1., 32.], [ 1., 33.], [ 1., 34.], [ 1., 35.], [ 1., 36.], [ 1., 37.], [ 1., 38.], [ 1., 39.], [ 1., 40.], [ 1., 41.], [ 1., 42.], [ 1., 43.], [ 1., 44.], [ 1., 45.], [ 1., 46.], [ 1., 47.], [ 1., 48.], [ 1., 49.], [ 1., 50.], [ 1., 51.], [ 1., 52.], [ 1., 53.], [ 1., 54.], [ 1., 55.], [ 1., 56.], [ 1., 57.], [ 1., 58.], [ 1., 59.], [ 1., 60.], [ 1., 61.], [ 1., 62.], [ 1., 63.], [ 1., 64.], [ 1., 65.], [ 1., 66.], [ 1., 67.], [ 1., 68.], [ 1., 69.], [ 1., 70.], [ 1., 71.], [ 1., 72.], [ 1., 73.], [ 1., 74.], [ 1., 75.], [ 1., 76.], [ 1., 77.], [ 1., 78.], [ 1., 79.], [ 1., 80.], [ 1., 81.], [ 1., 82.], [ 1., 83.], [ 1., 84.], [ 1., 85.], [ 1., 86.], [ 1., 87.], [ 1., 88.], [ 1., 89.], [ 1., 90.], [ 1., 91.], [ 1., 92.], [ 1., 93.], [ 1., 94.], [ 1., 95.], [ 1., 96.], [ 1., 97.], [ 1., 98.], [ 1., 99.], [ 1., 100.], [ 1., 101.], [ 1., 102.], [ 1., 103.], [ 1., 104.], [ 1., 105.], [ 1., 106.], [ 1., 107.], [ 1., 108.], [ 1., 109.], [ 1., 110.], [ 1., 111.], [ 1., 112.], [ 1., 113.], [ 1., 114.], [ 1., 115.], [ 1., 116.], [ 1., 117.], [ 1., 118.], [ 1., 119.], [ 1., 120.], [ 1., 121.], [ 1., 122.], [ 1., 123.], [ 1., 124.], [ 1., 125.], [ 1., 126.], [ 1., 127.], [ 1., 128.], [ 1., 129.], [ 1., 130.], [ 1., 131.], [ 1., 132.], [ 1., 133.], [ 1., 134.], [ 1., 135.], [ 1., 136.], [ 1., 137.], [ 1., 138.], [ 1., 139.], [ 1., 140.], [ 1., 141.], [ 1., 142.], [ 1., 143.], [ 1., 144.], [ 1., 145.], [ 1., 146.], [ 1., 147.], [ 1., 148.], [ 1., 149.], [ 1., 150.], [ 1., 151.], [ 1., 152.], [ 1., 153.], [ 1., 154.], [ 1., 155.], [ 1., 156.], [ 1., 157.], [ 1., 158.], [ 1., 159.], [ 1., 160.], [ 1., 161.], [ 1., 162.], [ 1., 163.], [ 1., 164.], [ 1., 165.], [ 1., 166.], [ 1., 167.], [ 1., 168.], [ 1., 169.], [ 1., 170.], [ 1., 171.], [ 1., 172.], [ 1., 173.], [ 1., 174.], [ 1., 175.], [ 1., 176.], [ 1., 177.], [ 1., 178.], [ 1., 179.], [ 1., 180.], [ 1., 181.], [ 1., 182.], [ 1., 183.], [ 1., 184.], [ 1., 185.], [ 1., 186.], [ 1., 187.], [ 1., 188.], [ 1., 189.], [ 1., 190.], [ 1., 191.], [ 1., 192.], [ 1., 193.], [ 1., 194.], [ 1., 195.], [ 1., 196.], [ 1., 197.], [ 1., 198.], [ 1., 199.], [ 1., 200.], [ 1., 201.], [ 1., 202.], [ 1., 203.], [ 1., 204.], [ 1., 205.], [ 1., 206.], [ 1., 207.], [ 1., 208.], [ 1., 209.], [ 1., 210.], [ 1., 211.], [ 1., 212.], [ 1., 213.], [ 1., 214.], [ 1., 215.], [ 1., 216.], [ 1., 217.], [ 1., 218.], [ 1., 219.], [ 1., 220.], [ 1., 221.], [ 1., 222.], [ 1., 223.], [ 1., 224.], [ 1., 225.], [ 1., 226.], [ 1., 227.], [ 1., 228.], [ 1., 229.], [ 1., 230.], [ 1., 231.], [ 1., 232.], [ 1., 233.], [ 1., 234.], [ 1., 235.], [ 1., 236.], [ 1., 237.], [ 1., 238.], [ 1., 239.], [ 1., 240.], [ 1., 241.], [ 1., 242.], [ 1., 243.], [ 1., 244.], [ 1., 245.], [ 1., 246.], [ 1., 247.], [ 1., 248.], [ 1., 249.], [ 1., 250.], [ 1., 251.], [ 1., 252.], [ 1., 253.], [ 1., 254.], [ 1., 255.], [ 1., 256.], [ 1., 257.], [ 1., 258.], [ 1., 259.], [ 1., 260.], [ 1., 261.], [ 1., 262.], [ 1., 263.], [ 1., 264.], [ 1., 265.], [ 1., 266.], [ 1., 267.], [ 1., 268.], [ 1., 269.], [ 1., 270.], [ 1., 271.], [ 1., 272.], [ 1., 273.], [ 1., 274.], [ 1., 275.], [ 1., 276.], [ 1., 277.], [ 1., 278.], [ 1., 279.], [ 1., 280.], [ 1., 281.], [ 1., 282.], [ 1., 283.], [ 1., 284.], [ 1., 285.], [ 1., 286.], [ 1., 287.], [ 1., 288.], [ 1., 289.], [ 1., 290.], [ 1., 291.], [ 1., 292.], [ 1., 293.], [ 1., 294.], [ 1., 295.], [ 1., 296.], [ 1., 297.], [ 1., 298.], [ 1., 299.]]) ```python theta = np.linalg.inv(X.T.dot(X)).dot(X.T).dot(y) theta ``` array([25.70275643, 0.07850281]) ```python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Xnew1 = np.linspace(0,300, 20) Xnew = np.c_[np.ones(len(Xnew1)), Xnew1] Xnew ``` array([[ 1. , 0. ], [ 1. , 15.78947368], [ 1. , 31.57894737], [ 1. , 47.36842105], [ 1. , 63.15789474], [ 1. , 78.94736842], [ 1. , 94.73684211], [ 1. , 110.52631579], [ 1. , 126.31578947], [ 1. , 142.10526316], [ 1. , 157.89473684], [ 1. , 173.68421053], [ 1. , 189.47368421], [ 1. , 205.26315789], [ 1. , 221.05263158], [ 1. , 236.84210526], [ 1. , 252.63157895], [ 1. , 268.42105263], [ 1. , 284.21052632], [ 1. , 300. ]]) ```python ypre = Xnew.dot(theta) plt.plot(Xnew1, ypre, '*-r', label='model') plt.plot(t,y, '.k', label='data') plt.legend() plt.show() ``` ![png](main_files/main_11_0.png) # Polynomial model $$ Temp = \theta_0 + \theta_1 * t + \theta_2 * t^2$$ ```python X = np.c_[np.ones(len(t)), t, t*t] theta = np.linalg.inv(X.T.dot(X)).dot(X.T).dot(y) theta ``` array([ 2.28848082e+01, 1.35240024e-01, -1.89756565e-04]) ```python Xnew1 = np.linspace(0,300,50) Xnew = np.c_[np.ones(len(Xnew1)), Xnew1, Xnew1*Xnew1] ypred = Xnew.dot(theta) plt.plot(Xnew1, ypred, '*-r', label='model') plt.plot(t,y, '.g', label='data') plt.legend() plt.show() ``` ![png](main_files/main_14_0.png) # Batch Gradient Descent $$\theta_{new} = \theta_{old}-\eta \nabla_{\theta} $$ $$\nabla_{\theta} = \frac{2}{m} X^T (X \theta -y) $$ ```python y = np.array(df['0']).reshape(300,1) n = 300 t = np.linspace(0,n-1,n) X = np.c_[np.ones(len(t)), t] y ``` array([[24.218], [23.154], [24.347], [24.411], [24.411], [24.347], [24.314], [24.347], [24.347], [23.896], [24.476], [24.637], [24.669], [24.669], [25.056], [25.088], [24.991], [25.088], [25.217], [25.281], [25.313], [25.668], [25.668], [25.636], [26.022], [25.926], [19.126], [26.248], [26.248], [26.055], [25.152], [26.699], [26.989], [26.957], [27.021], [27.118], [27.247], [27.344], [27.666], [27.183], [27.795], [27.892], [28.021], [28.311], [28.214], [28.504], [28.536], [28.762], [28.826], [28.858], [29.245], [29.181], [29.374], [29.6 ], [29.567], [29.793], [29.761], [29.89 ], [30.147], [30.147], [30.438], [30.599], [30.728], [30.856], [30.76 ], [31.018], [31.114], [31.34 ], [31.533], [31.501], [31.727], [31.469], [32.017], [32.081], [32.113], [32.5 ], [32.403], [32.403], [32.693], [32.726], [32.887], [33.016], [33.048], [33.08 ], [33.37 ], [33.37 ], [33.499], [33.725], [33.789], [33.821], [34.047], [34.079], [34.144], [34.305], [34.434], [34.434], [34.659], [34.756], [34.659], [34.691], [34.917], [34.981], [34.981], [35.271], [35.4 ], [35.336], [35.239], [35.594], [35.626], [35.819], [26.796], [35.948], [27.408], [36.174], [35.304], [36.271], [36.528], [36.561], [36.689], [36.657], [36.979], [36.979], [37.044], [37.205], [37.173], [37.237], [37.205], [37.302], [37.656], [37.56 ], [37.592], [37.882], [37.882], [37.817], [38.043], [37.173], [38.269], [38.365], [38.397], [38.591], [33.016], [26.022], [38.913], [38.945], [38.913], [38.945], [38.945], [39.235], [39.203], [39.268], [39.3 ], [39.493], [39.042], [39.59 ], [39.622], [39.654], [39.815], [39.88 ], [39.912], [39.912], [40.009], [40.009], [40.234], [40.234], [40.234], [40.363], [40.524], [40.524], [40.557], [40.557], [40.653], [40.814], [40.557], [40.911], [40.879], [41.072], [41.169], [41.104], [41.072], [41.104], [41.137], [41.523], [41.33 ], [41.523], [41.523], [41.62 ], [41.813], [41.781], [41.846], [41.813], [41.942], [42.136], [42.136], [42.136], [42.136], [42.104], [42.168], [42.361], [42.458], [42.232], [42.49 ], [42.361], [42.394], [42.426], [42.394], [42.716], [42.748], [42.813], [42.651], [42.813], [42.748], [42.941], [43.103], [43.135], [43.103], [43.038], [43.135], [43.264], [43.425], [43.328], [43.328], [43.457], [43.457], [43.521], [43.683], [43.779], [43.683], [43.683], [43.715], [43.973], [43.94 ], [44.102], [44.005], [44.005], [44.005], [44.23 ], [44.359], [44.424], [44.392], [44.327], [44.327], [44.424], [44.521], [43.779], [44.682], [44.714], [44.649], [44.649], [44.746], [44.778], [44.907], [44.972], [42.2 ], [44.939], [45.036], [44.907], [44.327], [43.876], [45.004], [45.197], [45.294], [45.358], [45.326], [45.229], [45.358], [45.101], [45.423], [45.391], [45.713], [45.681], [45.616], [45.713], [45.616], [45.713], [45.713], [45.713], [45.745], [45.648], [45.971], [45.938], [45.938], [45.938], [46.067], [45.971], [46.035], [46.132], [46.196], [45.938], [46.164], [46.261], [46.261], [46.229], [46.261], [46.229], [46.229], [46.357], [46.551], [46.519], [46.551], [46.583]]) ```python np.random.seed(82) eta = 0.00001 #lerning rate n_iteration = 1000000 m = len(y) theta = np.random.randn(2,1)*10 theta ``` array([[ 8.40650403], [-13.57147156]]) ```python for iterations in range(n_iteration): gradient = 2/m * X.T.dot(X.dot(theta)- y) theta = theta - eta*gradient theta #array([25.70275643, 0.07850281]) #array([[25.53711216],[ 0.07933242]]) -> 42 #array([[25.53941259],[ 0.0793209 ]]) -> 82 ``` array([[25.5895366 ], [ 0.07906986]]) # BGD Visualization ```python def plot_gradient_descent(eta): m =len(y) theta = np.random.randn(2,1) plt.plot(t,y,'.b') n_iteration = 1000000 Xnew1 = np.linspace(0,n-1,n) Xnew = np.c_[np.ones(len(Xnew1)), Xnew1] for iterations in range(n_iteration): if iterations % 100000 == 0: #print(iterations) ypre = Xnew.dot(theta) style = '-r' if iterations > 0 else 'g--' plt.plot(Xnew1, ypre, style) gradient = 2/m * Xnew.T.dot(Xnew.dot(theta)- y) theta = theta - eta*gradient plt.xlabel('$x_1$', fontsize=18) #plt.axis([0,300, 15,50]) plt.title(r'$\eta$ = {}'.format(eta), fontsize=16) ``` ```python np.random.seed(112) plot_gradient_descent(eta=0.000001) theta ``` array([[25.5895366 ], [ 0.07906986]]) ![png](main_files/main_21_1.png) ```python plt.plot(t,y,'.b') Xnew1 = np.linspace(0,n-1,n) Xnew = np.c_[np.ones(len(Xnew1)), Xnew1] ypre = Xnew.dot(theta) plt.plot(Xnew1, ypre, '-r') ``` [] ![png](main_files/main_22_1.png) ```python plt.figure(figsize=(10,4)) plt.subplot(131) np.random.seed(112) plot_gradient_descent(eta=0.000001) plt.subplot(132) np.random.seed(112) plot_gradient_descent(eta=0.001) plt.subplot(133) np.random.seed(112) plot_gradient_descent(eta=0.00000001) ``` ![png](main_files/main_23_0.png)