Mobile Devices for MCIE

Mobile Devices for Maestria en Ciencias en Ingenieria Electronica

Basics of C and C++ compilation

Updated 2 days ago

Example of use C for reading ADC in beaglebone

Updated 2 days ago

Updated 1 week ago

This repository explains the basic use of the Bash terminal interpreter to understand how to explore and use the beagle bone hardware.

Updated 1 week ago

Basic connection and configuration of the single board computers using ssh.

Updated 1 week ago

This repository presents the first steps to flash, connect and share internet with your beagle bone black board.

Updated 1 week ago

The repository shows the different methods for internet sharing over the USB between the PC and Beagle Bone Board.

Updated 2 weeks ago

This repository presents a guidance and examples of the basics of Linux operative system.

Updated 1 month ago
